Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Race Fit For a Princess

Well I turn 35 in 7 months, WHAT? I’m pretty sure I just blogged about turning 34. So me being the planner I am decided I need to do 35 up and in a BIG way!

Ireland? Been there!

Vegas? Done that!

NYC? Got the t-shirt! So where’s a girl like me spend a milestone birthday?

DISNEY WORLD of course! And you’re invited! But there’s something bigger going on while I’m there that is going to just be huge to me! So we’re flying down on the 22nd of February and spending the 23rd at Disney. Then on February 26th I’m going to be running in my FIRST HALF MARATHON! Yes you heard me correct. I am running in the Disney Princess Half Marathon. I’m very lucky to have my amazing friend Kelly running next to me. I’m going to have my family, friends and most of all Prince Charming to cheer me along the way! If you would have asked me when I turned 34 if I’d be running 13.1 miles in a year I probably would have laughed you down the street. But I know I can do this. Plus I get a cool princess medal for finishing and the title of Princess! Who wouldn't want that? I’m far from ready and the fact that it is near 100 degrees played into my decision to 1 run in Florida in the winter and 2 get a few more races under my belt. So check out the link and you know come to Florida it'll be fun! The toughest one coming up is the Run for the Fallen. It’s not a race it’s a way to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It’s 12 miles and my goal is to run the first 3-4 rest for a few and run the last 2-3. Such an emotional cause to run for and I couldn’t imagine not being a part of it.
Kelly and I hiked Mt. Major last weekend. Talk about a hike. My blister is finally healing and so it made hiking a little challenging but we got to the top (of course we took the long steep way, as opposed to the short steep way) and the view was AMAZING! I could have stayed up there all day! 3 celebratory bottles of champagne (and 2 corks in the lake) and 1 chick flick later I was more than ready for bed.
No running till Sunday when the heat and humidity breaks. Stay cool kids!

Daily Mantra: You won’t realize the distance you’ve walked until you take a look around and realize how far you’ve been.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Revolution Run 5k

4th of July turned out to be way more humid than I expected! I’m glad we ran at 9 and no later. I would have preferred to run at 7:00 seeing as how it was already 81 degrees when the race started! I got to run with my fancy new IPhone and turned on my GPS tracker which was good seeing as how the course wasn’t really well marked with mile markers! We started uphill and I made the choice that even if it was slow I was going to run up the hill so I didn’t lose momentum. There were some people who did the walk/run but I just can’t do that, it’s all or nothing with me. It was tough because the water stop wasn’t until mile 2 and the water was REALLY warm, almost hot! YUCK! I took a chug and literally wanted to spit it back up. I ended up slowing WAY down for ½ mile and at that point was just waiting for the downhill to come. I did get lapped by the girl who was leading the 10K run, good for her! There weren’t a lot of people along the route like the Hollis one, but I did just enjoy the time with myself. I also had no one to pace really. My miles were up and down. 11:45 mile 1 14:50 mile 2 and 12:50 mile 3 so I averaged about a 13 minute mile. When I was coming into Holman Stadium this very nice probably 70 year old man ran with me for like 50 feet, he was very sweet! It was kinda cool to run into the stadium while there weren’t a lot of people there they were cheering and they announced you coming in. There was no one with me so I got the spotlight to myself! I finished in 42:02 and was VERY proud of myself for the conditions we ran in and the fact is was my second 5K and this one was definitely a rolling hills course. I got my medal and downed some Gatorade (oh warm water please be gone) and a banana and watched some of the other runners come in.

I went to the bathroom before I left and that’s when I noticed my foot. I had gotten new running shoes the previous week and had worn them a few times but I ran in my old running shoes. My poor shoe was all bloody, apparently I had a small blister from my new shoes and not noticing it I ran without anything over it. Therefore somewhere along the way I busted heel open funny part is I didn’t feel it. So I stopped by the EMTs for a band aid and they cleaned me all up and sent me on my way. Not gonna lie it killed the next 2 days! Curt Shilling has the bloody sock, well I have the bloody shoe!

I went home, showered and headed up to Boston to hang out with Kelly and cause a ruckus in Southie! There was a buffet of alcohol, weird pub people, ring pops and of course fireworks! It was awesome to see them in person and the view we had was awesome. You could see the entire city from Monument Hill and all the other displays (some albeit illegal still cool!)
Up next is the Cigna 5K in Manchester in August. My company sponsors all the runner from here so it’s FREE! It’s very hot this week so I may do some sprints but that’s about it! Kelly and I will do some hiking this next weekend so I’ll still be getting my cardio in! Next week’s blog could be bananas! HAHAHA!

Daily Mantra: There is only one thing that can guarantee our failure and that’s if we quit!