Thursday, June 30, 2011

Warrior Dash Wrap up

Can I just say how much my stomach hurt after the dash? Only because we were laughing SO hard throughout the whole thing. It was a horrible day weather wise, it was thundering and lightening when we got there and didn’t know if we would be able to go. We ended up running in the 9:00 heat (we were scheduled at 8:30). We made sure to put ourselves at the back of the pack and I can only imagine what our little tutu butts looked like running up the hill! One we got into the woods we actually couldn’t feel much of the rain so that was nice, only we kept sinking in the mud and slipping. It was like one big slip and slide the whole way. We did all the obstacles, including the 12 foot wall! Best part was in the course they had photographers and we actually posed for pictures, clearly we weren’t doing this for time! In the end we lost our tutus due to the mud but they made the whole thing more fun! We finished with a time of 1:13 minutes but there are no cool finish line pictures since a huge team finished in front of use and blocked our view! We collected our medals, tried to wash off in the horrible water fans (ended up rinsing off in a puddle!) and got our free beer!
There was a good band playing when we first finished, McAlister Drive, and unfortunately a not so good band when we were eating lunch. Just my opinion but I know what I like and they weren’t it. On a cheesy note, someone did get married on stage. In the time it took Kelly and I to go get a beer they were married and gone. To each his own! We’ll be back to do it next year for sure, the more the merrier and the costumes will be bigger and better to!
So this weekend it’s back to the running world. I got an awesome new pair of Nike+ (I can sync with my iPhone SUPER COOL) and I’m running a 5K on July 4th in the morning. I can’t think of a better way to start the day! Then maybe go bum around the city and catch the fireworks in Boston.
Here’s my schedule of what is coming up…
7/4- Revolution Run 5K
8/11- Cigna 5K
8/21- Run for the Fallen 12 mile (no I’m not running the whole thing but I want to be there!)
8/28-Tavern to Tavern 5K
9/17-Celebrate Pink 5K- with Angela!
9/24-Urban Dare Race- with Lam
10/8- Renegade Playground Challenge- same premises as the Warrior Dash only sounds better!

Daily mantra: Whether you think you can or you can’t you’re right!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Post Race Wrap Up!

So I DID IT! I ran (and yes I ran the ENTIRE WAY!) my first 5K race last Thursday! 37:07 was my final time and my pace was a 12 minute mile (I actually ended up cutting about a minute off my mile training time.) I started out at the back of the pack on purpose as to not get caught up in the crowd and run faster than I knew I could. I checked my time at 1 mile and I was running too fast to keep the pace the entire time, so I made and adjustment and at mile 2 I was back on pace to what I knew I could finish. I wish there were words to describe how I felt around mile 2.5 and when I was done. They call it runner’s high but I felt so much more than that! The journey that I have been on the last 12 weeks (and 16 weeks if you could my health journey too) has taught me so much about myself. There’s nothing I can’t do, which means there’s nothing YOU can’t do! Although I always knew I was a pretty kick ass person, I wasn’t always a very happy kick ass person and now I feel like the pieces are all falling together. But I didn’t do it on my own; I had an awesome support system along the way, so without further adieu I will now turn this into my very own Oscar Thank You speech! (What? It’s MY blog!)
Thank you to the most awesome health coach there is. You helped me start on this journey and I seriously do not know where I would be if I wouldn’t have made the call to you. I’m thankful everyday for your health wisdom and your no excuses attitude! I’m such a Rockstar!
My friend Kennedy has been my running inspiration from the beginning. She was the original Rockstar and I’m so proud of her! She just ran a ½ marathon and rocked it out! Anyone who can run for 2 ½ hours is awesome! I can’t wait to watch her cross the line at the Boston Marathon next year! I was so happy to see Karen at the finish line, she stood in the mostly cold and wet for ½ hour to watch me for 60 seconds! Thank you! And thanks for the pink champagne!

Kelly drove all the way from Southie just to have dinner and drinks with little old me! Ok so I guess I’ll thank Dave for Kelly (since I usually do that anyway!). So glad you’re my HLP!
I would have never made it to the finish line without Melissa, who is constantly pushing me to the limit of running. She’s knows I have it in me and I’m glad she’s there to make sure I don’t slack off. She’d be proud to know I went for a 3 mile run Sunday and I’m going to keep going, because there are more roads to run!
In the beginning I didn’t run fast (hell I still don’t!) or very far for that matter, but Matthew ran next to me and kept telling me I could do it. There were times he ran in front of me and I cursed his name because I didn’t think I’d get there. Well I am now and I’m waiting for the run when he gets to follow ME! All those times I yelled I hate you at that, know it was quite the opposite, mostly because you didn’t let me quit!

And to anyone who has ever said they are proud of me, good job, way to go and all those others nice statements, THANK YOU! Words are a very powerful thing and I’m glad to know I surround myself with pretty awesome positive people. Oh and thanks to DMB, David Cook, Black Eyed Peas, Darius Rucker and Jack Johnson, who got me from one end of the race to the other!

Next up Warrior Dash. Billed as the craziest fricken day of your life, it’s a 3.02 mile obstacle course in Amesbury, MA on Saturday, June 25th. Kelly, Deanna and I are going to run it (ok well run at times!) complete with costumes. If it’s going to be a crazy day might as well do it up right! This weekend we’re working on them and really I can’t wait to wear them which is probably the funniest part of the whole thing!
Such a busy summer! Work, school, running, living life! More surprises coming soon!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Time Flies....

Holy crap I’m running my first 5K race in 3 days. I’m pretty sure this journey only started 12 weeks ago and now look at me all running 3.1 miles and stuff! I’ve got nerves for sure, but I think that’s where the adrenaline kicks in to keep you going. Oh it’s going to be 96 freaking degrees on Thursday!! WHAT?! Which means it’ll still be like 92 when I run. I will be sweating for sure, but it’s important to hydrate and I be doing that all day. Today is my off day, I did a BRUTAL crossfit yesterday morning and I am still feeling it today. But I guess that’s kinda the point. I’ll get up early tomorrow and run a quick mile or 2 and then Wednesday probably do some sprints in the wicked heat just to torture myself, cause THAT’S fun right? Should I survive (and I’m giving myself a 100% chance of actual survival) it will be one more thing checked off my list. Then on to the Warrior Dash (which we must get to making tutus for!). I really have no desire to do any long races, but I guess we’ll have to see down the road! I have some good music on my I-pod. For me it’s more mental since it helps to pass the time, it starts with the Black Eyed Peas and ends with Lady Gaga, good times! Happy running people!

Daily Mantra: There isn't anything you CAN'T do ~ me