Can I just say how much my stomach hurt after the dash? Only because we were laughing SO hard throughout the whole thing. It was a horrible day weather wise, it was thundering and lightening when we got there and didn’t know if we would be able to go. We ended up running in the 9:00 heat (we were scheduled at 8:30). We made sure to put ourselves at the back of the pack and I can only imagine what our little tutu butts looked like running up the hill! One we got into the woods we actually couldn’t feel much of the rain so that was nice, only we kept sinking in the mud and slipping. It was like one big slip and slide the whole way. We did all the obstacles, including the 12 foot wall! Best part was in the course they had photographers and we actually posed for pictures, clearly we weren’t doing this for time! In the end we lost our tutus due to the mud but they made the whole thing more fun! We finished with a time of 1:13 minutes but there are no cool finish line pictures since a huge team finished in front of use and blocked our view! We collected our medals, tried to wash off in the horrible water fans (ended up rinsing off in a puddle!) and got our free beer!
There was a good band playing when we first finished, McAlister Drive, and unfortunately a not so good band when we were eating lunch. Just my opinion but I know what I like and they weren’t it. On a cheesy note, someone did get married on stage. In the time it took Kelly and I to go get a beer they were married and gone. To each his own! We’ll be back to do it next year for sure, the more the merrier and the costumes will be bigger and better to!
So this weekend it’s back to the running world. I got an awesome new pair of Nike+ (I can sync with my iPhone SUPER COOL) and I’m running a 5K on July 4th in the morning. I can’t think of a better way to start the day! Then maybe go bum around the city and catch the fireworks in Boston.
Here’s my schedule of what is coming up…
7/4- Revolution Run 5K
8/11- Cigna 5K
8/21- Run for the Fallen 12 mile (no I’m not running the whole thing but I want to be there!)
8/28-Tavern to Tavern 5K
9/17-Celebrate Pink 5K- with Angela!
9/24-Urban Dare Race- with Lam
10/8- Renegade Playground Challenge- same premises as the Warrior Dash only sounds better!
Daily mantra: Whether you think you can or you can’t you’re right!

So this weekend it’s back to the running world. I got an awesome new pair of Nike+ (I can sync with my iPhone SUPER COOL) and I’m running a 5K on July 4th in the morning. I can’t think of a better way to start the day! Then maybe go bum around the city and catch the fireworks in Boston.
Here’s my schedule of what is coming up…
7/4- Revolution Run 5K
8/11- Cigna 5K
8/21- Run for the Fallen 12 mile (no I’m not running the whole thing but I want to be there!)
8/28-Tavern to Tavern 5K
9/17-Celebrate Pink 5K- with Angela!
9/24-Urban Dare Race- with Lam
10/8- Renegade Playground Challenge- same premises as the Warrior Dash only sounds better!
Daily mantra: Whether you think you can or you can’t you’re right!