I haven't blogged in a while! I stopped running for awhile, my heart wasn't in it, grad school was KILLING me and life just seemed to be getting in the way. Please save the lecture, I know people work 16 hour days and still find time to run, well good for them, that wasn't me. I signed up for a running series where I need to complete 6 of 9 races and I get a super cool jacket at the end. Well my whole running crew is signed up for it so that's a motivator. But when you're sporadically running, you're not going to run your best. We've only had 2 races a 1 mile race and a 2 mile race, quick recap.
Millennium Mile- January 1, 2013- I didn't stay out late on NYE so I knew this wouldn't be a tough one to get ready for. It was FREEZING that day though, should have worn gloves and earmuffs! I finished in 9:35:43, I had my turbo boosters on near the end. I was shooting for under 10:00 and feel like I did really well. It is downhill so that helps and you walk (or take a bus) back up so technically it was 2 miles for the day.
Then I pretty much crapped out on running, it was cold. I occasionally used the boyfriend's treadmill and I kept getting sick, like hacking up a lung sick. I skipped the Snowflake shuffle by order of the dr as I risked collapsing a lung and well I'm all set there. So moving on to the Shamrock Shuffle, went out the night before, couldn't breathe and was coughing, coughing, coughing!
Shamrock Shuffle- March 24, 2013- I felt like hell, I couldn't breathe and was coughing, it was cold again though not as bad as other times. I didn't want to run, but I had a cute tutu and a team of friends I couldn't let down! 24:42:42 with a 12:22 pace which at my peak is what I was running for a 5k. I was struggling the entire time to breathe and in the end I ended up back at the doctor with a respiratory infection which was super fun.
I was ready to start running when the weather got nice and I was even sponsored to do the Run to Home Base in Boston, I did it last year and had a blast, and then my dad passed away. Now my dad was sick but his organs were working and he got to go home, which is all he wanted. I flew to my parent's and drive back with my mom. We got back Friday and I had zero gas to do the Run to Home Base, I was disappointed but knew I wouldn't make a 9k.
So life slowly got back to normal and I did the Color Vibe with my mom and Heather J Memorial Day weekend. It was raining and 50 degrees, throw in color powder and it was a big old mess, but we finished and I was so proud of mama. That sparked my wanting to run again. Then it got hot, yes these are all excuses but in my world they are valid. Mind you I'm finished with school, YAY! So I ran (like really ran) for the first time in a LONG time this week. It was 90 degrees and I struggled with 2 miles. Shit, this isn't good. I have a bunch of 5k's coming up and then somehow I decided the Spartan Run would be a good idea, now apparently I'm just interesting in dying!
We did the Adventure 5k today, it was hot. It was hard. I wanted to quit, I got in my own head. 2 of my teammates pushed and pulled me along and while I missed my goal of under and hour, I FINISHED. I drank my beer (um pumpkin blueberry?) ate 2 hotdogs and watched some other people come in. I took a cold shower when I got home and the burning started. I looked at my knees when I finished and they are all kinds of shredded, then I noticed the huge bruise on my arm. Battle scars!
So Monday starts a new regiment. I'm doing the Workout of the Day (or WOD in the Spartan world) and I'm going to be ready for this race. Until then, you'll find me on the couch with ice on my knees, shoulder, oh hell I'll be in an ice bath! And I will blog more, I have lots of projects I'm working on and Pinterest and I are having a love/hate relationship!
Daily Mantra: