Everyone knows how passionate I am about music, especially live music. There’s just something so raw and gritty about live music. I truly believe the saying that “Where Words Fail Music Speaks”. There have been so many times I am feeling a certain way and I can’t seem to find the right words and then a song comes on and all of sudden it hits me and POW there are the words I was searching for and then I’m like you (insert singer) get out of my head!! Being a Southern girl (Y’all I always will be no matter how long I live in New England) it’s the music that moves me, makes me move and touches my heart, soul and brain. I’m pretty sure that was the run on sentence to end all run on sentences but there are no rules in music so therefore there are no rules for this blog on said subject. I’d like to introduce you to some of the songs that have evoked feels and spoken to me as if they were written for me. Cole Swindell has the privilege of being the first musician in my little series (it could take like 6 months to get the next one so yeah y'all read slowly)
A few months ago I was missing my dad a lot. I miss him every day but I was missing him something crazy. I’ve been looking for signs and literally said Dad seriously nothing? I went to go try and find some funny videos on YouTube to cheer me up and no lie the first recommended video was Cole Swindell “You should be here” It’s a song he wrote about his dad who passed away a few years ago as well. There was no reason for that to be the ONLY video in my recommended section (I just looked there are like 8 in there right now) but it was. He started singing, I started crying and I knew then it was a sign from my dad. I watch it all the time and I can’t wait for it to be on an album so I can hear it any time I want. The part of the video when people start to clap and he can’t sing for a second gets me every time.
I know all the words but it’s always this part I love the most.
One of those never forget it better stop and take all in kind of scenes
Everything is just right except one thing….
You should be here standing with your arm around me cutting up
Cracking a cold beer sayin cheers hey y’all it’s been a good year
It’s one of those moments it’s got your name written all over it and you know if I had just one wish it would be you didn’t have to miss this….
You should be here
Speaking of Cole Swindell my alarm is Hey Y’all cause who wants to stay in bed when there is practically a party on the night stand. Though I guess if he was jumping on my bed to wake me up that’d be better. OMG he could be singing Get Up which is totally about concerts but make it about getting my behind outta bed. Guy is going places, wicked talented and I expect to see him headlining Gillette Stadium someday! Show #4 August 29th!