29 days people! Ironically I signed up for the 5K 29 days ago, too bad 29 has no significance to me. Well it is the age I keep telling myself I am!!Yesterday I did almost 2 miles in 24 minutes. I just couldn’t push myself any harder and walked the last 4 or so minutes. It’ll come; I just have to be patient! Not always my forte! The pollen has been terrible lately so I’m sure I’m inhaling a good amount which is hurting my breathing…I’ve been logging my running as I decided I wanted to run 100 miles this year (not in a row people, get serious!) and in April I ran 9.6 miles and so far in May I’ve already run 4.7 miles, so I’m well on my way. I did couch to 5K till the 20 minute run and now I just run on my own, but it really was what got it started for me. And I have to give a shout out to Kennedy Elsey, she’s been a huge cheerleader for me too. She’s running her 1st ½ marathon on June 4th and I know she’s gonna kick ass! Someone asked me what my motivation is to run, I don’t know really depends on the day. Someone usually pisses me off on a daily basis so that gets me to run or just to clear my head but mostly people piss me off and I imagine chasing them. Hey it works! I can’t wait until Angela comes to visit in September; we’re going to do the Celebrate Pink 5K in Portsmouth! I really have to start going through my clothes. I have about 4 piles going, donating and giving to people but I need to get them boxed up and outta my place! My closet does seem very empty and sad, but it’ll get filled again soon! I’d rather be filling it with smaller clothes anyway! So when I do reach my end goal, I’m going buy a ridiculously expensive pair of fancy pants jeans as my reward. Ya know like Diesel, Seven, True Religion something like that! In case you were wondering, True Religion run from about $200-$400, but I literally worked my butt off and that’s what I want!
Daily Mantra: "If you want to reach a goal, you must 'see the reaching' in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal”
Daily Mantra: "If you want to reach a goal, you must 'see the reaching' in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal”
I am trying to think of something to say to piss you off so I can be your motivation for the day! I can't think of anything.