Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Rules for Dating my Teenage Niece

No. Just no.
I will make an exception when she is 24 and marries Ed Sheeran and they give me little ginger great nieces and nephews.

In all seriousness…

Rule #1- You hurt her I will hunt you down. Now her parents may make an empty threat to scare you but I am her crazy Aunt. Try me.
Rule #2- She can like you but I will never like you, she is MY Princess, not your bae which isn’t even a word.
Rule #3- She is a person not a conquest. Treat her as such.
Rule #4- I am everywhere. Seriously pull your pants up kid.
Rule #5- Refer to Rules 1-4

I’m not ready for boys or dating and I would like to lock her in her room until she is 24 but that’s not going to happen so I guess I will have to accept it but to all future boys that seek to date her I will have a 50 page application waiting for you.