Monday, April 23, 2012

Beware of Umbrellas

See not all posts are about running...BTW if you're reading this have you donated to my Run to Home Base?

Ok so it was pouring out this morning and of course I was in a hurry and had about 10 million things in my hands. Add to that I forgot coffee from home and needed to stop at DD on the way to work. So I park where I normally do and it's far enough that I need an umbrella or I'm going get soaked in the walk. So in one hand is my bag of treat I brought to work (which are now known as OMG! Brownies) my math book and calculator and my coffee. So I open my door and open the umbrella and get out. So now my keys and my umbrella are in the same hand. I went to go lock my car and I hit the umbrella button instead and my umbrella started to eat me! Closed right on my head! So now I have no hands and an umbrella on my head. Luckily I could see well enough to get to the door where it's covered and managed to put my keys away long enough to close the umbrella. I'm thankful it was still dark and there weren't a lot of people around. 

Moral of the story kids, stay home when it rains!!
PS You're welcome for the entertainment!

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